Spirit Week - October 24-28

MCS Spirit Week will be held Monday, October 24 - Friday, October 28th. The theme this year is “Lettuce” Celebrate. We are celebrating MCS as a school for 15 years. During Spirit Week, students can dress up according to the theme of the day.

  • Monday is 1,000 Island Day - wear your best island gear. Think Hawaiian/tropical shirts, sunglasses, bright colored clothing. No flip flops please.

  • Tuesday is Ceasar Day - be the Kings and Queens that you are! Wear your uniform and crown! You can make your own or find one!

  • Wednesday is Homemade Day - since you will be at home, due to parent teacher conferences, wear your PJs or lounge clothes. Be sure to send pictures to your teachers!

  • Thursday is Ranch Day - Think blue jeans, button down, t-shirts, boots and bandanas. Country/Western wear.

  • Friday is House Day - Wear your MCS shirt and jeans!

Every day that a student dresses up is 1 spirit point for their class. Bring can goods throughout the week. Every can good that a student brings in is worth 5 spirit points! The classroom with the most spirit points wins a dress down day. All can goods will be donated to Mercy House on Friday!


Firetruck Visits MCS


Enjoy the Fall Break!